Pop Up School Uniform Swap
Wilston & Windsor state schools ONLY
Register your interest here for us to sell your kids school uniforms.
Sell max 5 items. If you have multiple sizes please register each size as a separate bundle.
Arrange to drop off clothes any day between 22/04/24 and 27/04/24 at St Albans Community Hall, corner of Lovedale and Ingliss Street, Wilston.
Also on swap day, bring along damaged kids clothes that you cannot donate or sell - we can now recycle them for you! Pop them in our Upcycle4better bins.
We will sell your kids Uniforms for you
Do you have school uniforms that no longer fit your kids, but they are in good condition and you just want something for them?? Don't bother with tedious marketplaces anymore, we will get rid of your kid's uniforms and do all the heavy lifting, by labeling, selling and transferring the funds for sold uniforms into your account. By registering your kids clothes first in terms of selling and buying this guarantees everyone will take items home during the swap. We deduct 20% of sold items for sellers fees.
Once registered drop off the clothes you are selling to St Albans Parish Hall located Cnr Ingliss and Lovedale streets, entrance on Ingliss St side for Hall.
Drop off clothes in any type of bag, coles/woolies, reusable or garbage bags of clothes between 22/4/24 and 27/04/24 from the hours of 9-3am. If no one is in the office, please leave bag in plastic tub outside office. Please label your bag with your email address you register with. Also if you are recycling clothes, please place them in a separate bag and mark with 'recycle'.
Selling the clothes
On the day of the Uniform swap Sellers are invited to a special 30 minutes exclusive 'first look' at the uniforms for sale and can purchase during this time before the Swap is open to the public. Plus you will receive a free duffle bag for future clothes swaps!
If your items don't sell on the day, what happens next depends on the preference you indicate during registration.